Legal culture in the context of spiritual values of russian philosophy

Author(s):  M.N. Kireev, Belgorod State Institute of Art and Culture, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 3

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  In the reflections of contemporary authors reflecting on the issues of social and political arrangement of Russia, one of the most important places is the problems connected with the level of legal awareness of both individual citizens and the entire state-management system. The article reveals some features of the Russian attitude to law. The illegitimacy of radical interpretations of the Russian sense of justice in terms of legal nihilism is shown. In this context, a deep connection between legal and moral categories is revealed, which is the determining factor in the hierarchy of spiritual values of Russian philosophy. The priority of concepts of truth, conscience and grace before truth, justice and law is justified. This distinguishes Russian law, based on the moral understanding of being, from the West European, based on formal principles. In conclusion, the “Word of law and grace” of Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev is analyzed, which is the source of moral and legal ideas that are relevant up to the present time

Keywords:  Russian philosophy, morality, legal law, truth, fact, justice, sense of justice, legal nihilism, law, grace

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