Explanatory dictionary and category of recipient

Author(s):  M.A. Ryapolova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod, Russia, kaf-rdk@bukep.ru

Issue:  Volume 37, № 3

Rubric:  Russian Philology

Annotation:  Language in its essential function is the most important means of communication, coding and decoding information, so the attention of linguists are always focused on the problems of interpretation of the word, its meaning and features of its use, therefor the necessary part of the overall semantic description of the language becomes an explanatory dictionary. Dictionaries have a great influence on the formation of relations between people, on the process and the result of their mutual understanding, on the possibility of adequate perception of information by members of a certain language group. The dictionary, in other words, acts as a guarantor of the rule providing effective communicative interaction and regulating the linguistic behavior of its members. The article deals with the typology of the ways of interpreting words in dictionaries and gives their pragmatic assessment in terms of the implementation of the principle of non-uniqueness of lexicographic description, that is, their targeting. Modern development of science, accumulation of information, strengthening of narrow professional specialization, social stratification of society requires the allocation of parameters to determine the groups of users. Theoretically, it is important to enter the criterion of targeting, regulating not only the dictionary and the nature of the illustrative material, but the structure and scope of the dictionary definition

Keywords:  language, linguistic personality, dictionary, addressability, targeting, dictionary interpretation, dictionary definitions

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