The United Scheme of the Life Cycle of Organisms: Approaches and Solution

Author(s):  A.V. Prisniy, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University , Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 42, № 2

Rubric:  Biological sciences

Annotation:  The giving to the terms «organism» and «biont» of specific meanings makes it possible to differentiate the content of the terms «full ontogeny» (life cycle) and «individual ontogenesis». Refinement is given to types and plans of the structure of living bodies. The forms of reproduction are considered in more detail and their place in life cycles of biological species is determined. On this basis, a unified scheme of the life cycles of organisms is proposed, where individual ontogeneses of bionts act as separate stages. This cycle includes the stages: gamete bodies, fertilization, zygote, embryonic body (or phase), vegetative body (or part of body, or phase), gamete-producing body (or part of body, or phase). It necessarily presents the biogeocenotically active generation of individuals or their phase state and, as a rule, the alternation of forms of reproduction occurs with the combination of genetic matrices and without their combination. Such a scheme does not contradict the functional content of the organismic level of living matter in the biosphere.

Keywords:  organism, individual, full ontogeny (life cycle), individual ontogeny, unified scheme of the life cycles.

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