The analysis of the festive conceptions. Retrospective reflection

Author(s):  V.V. Kibalko, Belgorod state institute of arts and culture, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 2

Rubric:  Thesis

Annotation:  In this work reader can see research and reflection of the phenomenon of the feast. This is realized by analyze of feast conceptions presented in historical development. Each concept is a special full-fledged doctrine of the feast and a unique research, but for the completeness of the vision of the feast phenome-non, it is necessary to consider if not all concepts, then their overwhelming majority. It is then that the holiday as a phenomenon will become voluminous, will show its diversity and versatility. We are consid-er the eight most popular and studied conceptions. All of them are a detailed consideration of the holiday from any definitely side: religious views, work, borrowing, links with the life ideal, social connections, games, or the idea of the festive essence of man. The work proves the pros and cons of concepts, reveals the most influential, determines their role in understanding the phenomenon of the holiday. The main goal of the scientific work is a comprehensive consideration of the holiday through existing concepts, as well as an increase in interest in this phenomenon and its study.

Keywords:  feast, festive conceptions, labor, myth, religion, game, history, festive culture.

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