The problem of "alien" education as one of the aspects of the policy of toleration in Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries

Author(s):  N.M. Markova, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs , Vladimir, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 2

Rubric:  Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture

Annotation:  The article is devoted to the formation of the so-called "alien education" in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Continuing the policy of tolerance, the state power in Russia introduces a system of "alien" education, which was created with the aim of carrying out the so-called policy "russification" as "orthodoxy" of representatives of other nationalities and denominations. Throughout this whole period of time, the Russian Orthodox Church was recognized as the dominant and predominant church in the country. "Foreign edu-cation" was introduced for both unbaptized and newly christened. The "aliens" were divided into two categories: "non-Russians-Christians" and "Tatars-Mohammedans". Only "aliens" were allowed to convert to Orthodoxy, and the transition from Orthodoxy to another religion, as well as religious propaganda from non-Orthodox confessions ("seduction from Orthodoxy») were banned until 1905.

Keywords:  aliens, alien education, religious tolerance, Orthodoxy, Christianity, Tatars, Mohammedans.

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