Aesthetic categories of traditional folks culture

Author(s):  V.N. Darenskaya , candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Lugansk National University named after T.Shevchenko , Lugansk , Ukrain,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 2

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  One of the important topics of modern philosophical and aesthetic thought is the study and understanding of the special aesthetic experience of traditional cultures. The value of this experience for us is deter-mined by the need to search for alternative ways of aesthetic vision of the world, through which it is pos-sible to overcome the crisis of Postmodernism, one of the characteristic manifestations of which is the crisis of aesthetic development of human reality.The author considers the problem of existential and aes-thetical specifics of traditional folks culture. Au-thor’s interpretation of this phenomenon is based on the fact of correlation between some key principles of folk’s art aesthetics and some worldview dimensions of human existence. Special attention in article devotes to conceptualization of four special categories, which are defined as a theoretical basis of ―ethnoaesthetics‖. The author considers such categories as: 1) ―lad‖ (harmony, concord); 2) ―destiny-making‖; 3) ―world-life‖ („Lebenswelt‖); 4) admiring.

Keywords:  aesthetic, traditional folks culture, human existence, categories.

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