The formation of the language of german mysticism (six subjects). Part 1

Author(s):  M.Yu. Reutin, Dr., Institute for Higher Humani-ties, Russian state University for the Humanities , Moscow, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 43, № 2

Rubric:  History of Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities

Annotation:  National, in particular German, language was assessed by a Latin scholar of the XIII-XIV centuries as the lan-guage of the "wild" (lingua agrestis) and "uncultivated" (lingua inculta). As such, it caused the clear's contin-ued irritation. It is not surprising that under the influence of such a critical view has developed low self-esteem of authors of German-language theological and mystical texts, Adre-Sovana, mainly representatives of the burghers and of monasticism – it is a course-expert to read German, but not enough educated to read at La tine.The language of German mysticism of the first half of the XIV century was formed under the influence of a number of factors and reasons, among which it is necessary to highlight its complex interaction with the Lat-in language of the Western, especially the Parisian scholastics (§§ 1-3), as well as the need to meet new de-mands and Express new meanings, born of the culture of the late middle Ages (§§ 4-6).

Keywords:  mass mysticism, vision, performance (performing practice), work of literature.

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