Analysis of world experience in the development of the beekeeping industry

Author(s):  Y.V. Kozyaychev, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

B.A. Tkhorikov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 45, №2

Rubric:  Isectoral markets and market infrastructure

Annotation:  In order to solve the theoretical, methodological and practical problems of increasing the efficiency of the development of regional beekeeping in market conditions, an analysis was made of the economic state of the beekeeping industry, as well as factors influencing the dynamics of its development in the five leading countries of honey exporters: China, New Zealand, Argentina, Germany, Spain. The paper describes some branch peculiarities of the functioning of beekeeping, the development of the market for the products of the industry, the introduction of achievements in scientific and technological progress, the organizational and economic mechanisms of interaction between agricultural producers and processing enterprises, the legal and information provision of business entities, the development of the industrial and social infrastructure of the industry, training of qualified personnel in the countries studied. On the basis of the analysis, practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of regional beekeeping development are given. Ключевые слова: развитие регионального пчеловодства,

Keywords:  products, experience in the development of beekeeping

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