Features of transformation of the NRU "BSU" in the university master's degree post-graduate type

Author(s):  I.A. Shumakova, Belgorod National State University, Belgorod, Russia, shumakova@bsu.edu.ru

D.M. Saenko, Belgorod National State University, Belgorod, Russia

D.S. Martseva, Dr., Belgorod National State University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 37, №1

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The article considers the problems of training of master’s students. The strategy and targets for the development of the magistracy, future prospects for the implementation of development Programs of magistracy BSU in order to create of conditions for quality education at the second stage of higher education and the formation of the University master's degree post-graduate type are defined. The authors analyze the performance indicators the magistracy, statistics admission to the magistracy, geography of students, learning opportunities for joint educational programs with the prospect of obtaining double diplomas. Participation in academic mobility is considered

Keywords:  master’s degree programs, development of master's degree programs, problems of master’s degree preparation, joint educational programs

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