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The impact of christian values on the rights and duties of parents on education and maintenance of children

Author(s):  A.A. Serebryakova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia, a.serebryakova@inbox.ru

Issue:  Volume 43, №1

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  The article describes the historical changes in the influence of Christian values on the rights and duties of parents in the upbringing and maintenance of children. The period pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern Russia. Based on the material offers the conclusion that in different historical periods has been variously interpreted approaches of the legislator to the issues of upbringing and maintenance of children. Today traditional Christian values can have a positive impact on the family, the rights and obligations of parents to maintain children. Christian values can be a guide in the upbringing of children. They may be the main moral component, which will be hard to shake the negative factors of the external environment

Keywords:  rights, parental responsibilities, parenting, maintenance of children, alimony

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