защитник-адвокат, адвокатское расследование, специалист, заключение специалиста, доказательство, уголовное судопроизводство, специальные знания

Author(s):  E.A. Logvinets, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod state national research university, Belgorod, Russia, logvinets@bsu.edu.ru

A.I. Lyakhova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod state national research university, Belgorod, Russia, lyakhova@bsu.edu.ru

N.P. Katorgina, Belgorod state national research university, Belgorod, Russia, inyakova@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 43, №1

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  The authors of the article present their judgments on topical issues of the possibility of conducting an ad-vocate investigation in the implementation of legal protection in criminal cases. The paper outlines the problems associated with the collection of evidence and factual information by the lawyers, in particular, with the conclusion of a specialist. Great attention is paid to the problem of legal regulation of the mecha-nism for engaging appropriate specialists to participate in criminal proceedings. The authors substantiate the idea of assigning the duty of the preliminary investigation bodies and the court to attach the special-ist's conclusion submitted by the defense party as evidence in the materials of the criminal case

Keywords:  criminal defense attorney, advocate investigation, specialist, expert opinion evidence, special-ist's conclusion, evidence, criminal proceedings, special knowledge

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