Subsystem of obtaining data about the public activity of the teaching staff of the higher education

Author(s):  V.Y. Presnecova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Оrel State University, Orel, Russia

N.A. Zagorodnih, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Оrel State University, Orel, Russia

V.M. Presnyakov, Оrel State University, Orel, Russia

Issue:  Volume 45, №1

Rubric:  System analysis and processing of knowledge

Annotation:  Currently, in order to identify the key processes of activity and the main aspects of the management of higher education institutions, the rating systems of the higher educational institution, which are related to the category of socioeconomic systems (SES), have become widespread. In addition to their main activities, university professors are engaged in science, and the result of scientific activity are monographs, articles in foreign and Russian journals, abstracts, conference materials, etc. However, information about the scientific activities of the teaching staff is poorly structured, which makes the complexity of its operational monitoring. Obtaining timely and reliable information about the publication activity of the teaching staff is one of the aspects of the accreditation of the university. The system-forming element of accreditation technology is the list of performance indicators of the university, considered as the subject of evaluation at all stages of the evaluation procedure. The article considers the main aspects of the implementation of the subsystem for obtaining data on the publication activity of the scientific activities of the teaching staff of the complex rating system of the university

Keywords:  rating system of the university, socio-economic systems, faculty, publications,, subsystem, regular expressions

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