The application of the system approach in assessing the effectiveness of IT projects for managing the IT infrastructure

Author(s):  V.S. Nekhotina, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod University of cooperation, Economics and law, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 45, №1

Rubric:  System analysis and processing of knowledge

Annotation:  The article presents the theoretical principles and gives some practical advice based on a systematic approach that can be used in the process of performance evaluationIT projectsIT infrastructure of corporate information system management. The definitions and specified features such concepts as "performance indicator", "efficiency" and "performance evaluation criterion" applied toIT projectm. The Detected mathematical and physical sense of purpose implementation of ITP. The expediency of using as a measure of performance evaluation ITP rate the probability of achieving the target of its implementation. Presented criterion componentsfitness IT projectIncluding the target parameters and options availability and reliability of IT infrastructure. It proved the illegality of identifying the concepts of efficiencyIT project and IT infrastructure. The kinds of performance indicatorsIT projectAnd presented their mathematical formulations. Formulated and solved the problem of the relation of efficiency and cost effectiveness when evaluating IT project. The main factors that influence the effectiveness ofIT project and have a significant impact on the formulation of the purpose of its implementation

Keywords:  IT project, IT infrastructure efficiency, systematic approach

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