Author(s):  JiaFan, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 38, № 2

Rubric:  Journalism and public relations

Annotation:  The article investigates the microblogging service Weibo as one of the original examples of Chinese new media. The experience of Weibo are shown technologically new segment of new media and functional positions in the Chinese information system. The modern phenomenon of new media has a variety of existence in the global communication space and in any national systems. The research shows the Chinese practice which follows the General trends in the development of the media. Weibo actively influences to the political, economic and cultural development of the country. It performs information, organizational and educational functions. Weibo is a channel for spreading the positive image of China in the world. In addition it is increasing the effectiveness of the use of "soft power" of the state abroad. Weibo is becoming an important tool in the implementation of plans and decisions for the Chinese government, it is a great tool in the formation of public opinion. New media become independent resources and complement the country's traditional media system. There is important to have understanding of new media to determine the communication climate and the media context in contemporary China's development.

Keywords:  new media, information technology, Weibo, traditional Chinese media, social network, microblog, multi-service platforms.

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