Religious education in the modern Russia: the problem of the definition and the development trends

Author(s):  E.M. Miroshnikova, The Leningrad State University name Pushkin’s (LSU), S. Peterburg, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 42, №24

Rubric:  Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture

Annotation:  As a feedback to the globalization, the state is trying to use traditional religions to protect its cultural identity, thus limiting the rights of other confessions. In this situation religion acquires new forms of its social expression, as if becoming the symbol of national and cultural identity. The situation in modern Russia is also complicated, and the Russian position is quite clear and natural, willing to prevent its culture, where the Russian Orthodox Church is the leading confession. But the realization of the right for religious education should be accomplished legally. Regarding religious education specifically, the major concern has been its content and purpose. Concerns have been expressed about how to strike a balance between introducing the main religion (s) and other worldviews. That is the key problem of the definition. Is the religious education teaching On, Of or About religion? Young people always have been and always will be objects of attention for religious organizations since their orientation toward religion will affect the future of society in general and the future of the religious organization in part. In Russia the problem of Religious education is very acute. The Development trends in the recent religious education in public Russian school are searching in confessional way

Keywords:  the religious education, the secularity, the model of state-church relations, the model of Religious education, the Basics of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics, Theology, Religious Studies

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