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Informal economy: statistical analysis in European countries

Author(s):  A.I. Myasoedov, no, no, Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, retvil@mail.ru

S.P. Ivanova, candidate of Sciences, no, Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, 76sivanova@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 47 № 1

Rubric:  Regional and municipal economy

Annotation:  The informal economy can take such forms as: fraud or tax evasion, leakage or abuse of benefits, moonlighting, fiscal Paradise, money laundering, money for drugs and criminal activities, shadow banking, offshore centers, numbered accounts. The underground economy includes legal business activities carried out outside the field of view of public authorities. At its peak, the undeclared economy is a large part of the overall economy, and its impact on the growth of States is not insignificant. For example, in Romania, the undeclared economy accounts for 31.9% of the country's GDP, and this has a significant impact on economic growth.

Keywords:  informal economy, undeclared economy.

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