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The anomie: basic theories

Author(s):  V.A. Kuzmenkov, candidate of Sciences, no, Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.V. Lukyanov, Orel, Russia, vakuzmenkov@gmail.com

Issue:  Volume 45, № 1

Rubric:  Sociology and Social Technologies

Annotation:  The state of loss of moral guidelines, values and norms in society is designated by the concept of anomie. In Russian science, there is a lack of theoretical consideration of anomie, its limited views of E. Durkheim and R. Merton. At the same time, science has developed a number of approaches that significantly expand the possibilities of studying anomie. The main theories of anomie that have developed in the social and humanitarian Sciences are considered. The author attempts to systematize approaches to anomie. Six groups of theories are identified: structural-functional, socio-cultural, communicative-informational, criminological, psychological, and managerial. The main representatives of each group are listed and a brief description of their views is given, as well as the methodological potential of the main approaches is defined. There is a contradiction between the structural-functional and hermeneutical paradigms: according to the first point of view, anomie originates at the level of macro – social relations and processes, according to the second-at the level of individual consciousness. The destruction of this contradiction may be the direction of further development of the theory of anomie.

Keywords:  anomie, criminology, culture, management, psychology, structural functionalism, values.

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