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Entertainment radio format as a factor defining the speech culture of a radio journalist (using the examples of "Europa Plus” radio)

Author(s):  A.V. Elnikova , no, no, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia, elnikova2000@icloud.com

E.A. Bespalova, candidate of Sciences, Southwest State University, Kursk, Russia, kbespalova@yandex.ru

Issue:  Volume 39, № 1

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  Far-reaching reforms, predetermined changes in the type and concepts of local radiobroadcasting and restructured the content of broadcast and the relationship with the audience, reflected on the genre structure of modern radio. Nowadays relaxed style of broadcasting is popular and the choice of this style may be due to the format of the following radio station. At the same time, the professional competence of specialists who enter into a dialogue with a mass audience and main-ly form the speech culture of their numerous interlocutors is often questionable. This area is new enough to study and requires individual consideration. In connection with this, the authors ana-lyzed the influence of the entertainment radio format on the communicative qualities of a radio journalist and the techniques used for organizing the broadcast. On the basis of the observation of morning shows "Team U" to radio "Europe Plus", consolidation and interpretation of obtained data the specificity of the speech culture of the entertainment radio station's host is analyzed. It is shown that the scope of the speech competence of the presenter is determined by the task of producing entertainment media text. The article describes the communicative roles and functions of hosts; typical communication strategies and tactics which are broadcast. The article considers the manifestations of the speech culture of the entertainment show hosts on the radio, and reveals its weaknesses and strengths. As a result, the content, structure, and language features of building communication on entertainment radio are revealed.

Keywords:  speech communication, broadcast organization, radio journalism, entertainment format of radio.

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