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Conceptual integration in the English advertising discourse (by the example of theatre concept)

Author(s):  S.A. Kalinina, candidate of Sciences, no, Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk, Russia, s_kalinina@bk.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 4

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  At the end of the 20th century a linguistic science began to study the advertising discourse. But the unexplored field of the advertising texts is the implicit information hidden in them. The implicit information is an important part of an advertising text because it is impossible to imagine an advertising message in which the inner meaning would be conveyed explicitly, i.e. openly, without using subtext. The author of the article undertakes the linguistic study of advertising texts created by the conceptual integration method which helps to research the texts more profoundly. The practical basis of the research is the advertising texts semantically connected with the cultural concept “theatre”. For the first time conceptual integration is considered in relation to advertising texts that are semantically related to the concept of "theater", which is the most important area of everyday English-language linguistic culture. The methodology of this study is based on cognitive and conceptual analysis revealed the implicit information of the concept “theatre” in advertising texts. The results of the research can be the basis for conceptual integration studying in linguoculturology. The study of the advertising texts concerning the theater as an element of the culture shows us the English-speaking worldview.

Keywords:  concept, conceptual integration, conceptual metaphor, explicit information, implicit infor-mation, theater.

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