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Language picture of the world of the modern school school: concepts of “EGE”, “exam”

Author(s):  I.S. Golubeva, no, no, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, irina_golubeva89@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 4

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The appeal to the anthropocentric paradigm of cognition in modern linguistics puts on the first place the use of language by society, by an individual, but the school discourse was not previously the object of separate study. In this regard, the authors identify the specificity of the language picture of the world and represent the speech portrait of a modern schoolboy in the process of analyzing the concepts of school discourse "exam" and "Unified State Examination" in the language consciousness of schoolchildren. Significant concepts of school discourse are revealed as evaluation characteristics, which reflect school reality, the received associations on stimuli of school discourse are analyzed, frequency associations are defined, positively, negatively and neutrally colored associations are compared. The study showed that the received verbal reactions do not coincide with the definitions of associative dictionaries, as they represent a wider semantic space of school discourse. The results of the study can be used in the study of such disciplines as "Lexicology", "Linguoculturology", "communicative style", "Sociolinguistics" and are of interest not only for linguists, but also for teachers, sociologists, psychologists, as they can be used in writing lectures and educational materials on these courses, serve as a source for drawing up a portrait of a modern schoolboy.

Keywords:  discourse, school discourse, concept, exam, EGE

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