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Philosophical and spiritual and practical conditions for the formation of the whole person

Author(s):  A. V. Peresypkina, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, peresypkina_av@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 44, № 3

Rubric:  Religion Studies and Sociology of Culture

Annotation:  The study of personal education shows that the intellectual development of man, improving his rational and logical abstract thinking, analytical skills, the ability to produce and accumulate all kinds of infor-mation about the world does not exhaust the completeness of the tasks facing real education. Understood as the development of mental abilities of the whole person, education must necessarily be based on the development of its spiritual, moral, volitional principles. Recognition of the spiritual and practical com-ponent of personality education leads to the study of the importance of religious worldview for the reali-zation of its goals and objectives. The materialistic deterministic concept of man, which prevails in mod-ern education, does not contribute to the development of personal qualities associated with the awakening and actualization in man of the essential original spiritual force, which is the basis of its intelligence and integrity. The article discusses the significance of adequate human nature worldview and the spiritual and practical conditions necessary for the reasonable education of the whole person through the understanding of its effects this original essence of spiritual power, understood as grace.

Keywords:  education, spiritual life, education, spiritual enlightenment, Christian worldview, self-realization of personality, spiritual creativity, absolute good, grace, self-awareness.

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