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Changes in interleukins in children with chronic periodontitis

Author(s):  N.M. Agarkov, Dr., Prof., South-West state University, Kursk, Russia

I.S. Gontareva, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, vitalaxen@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 42, № 3

Rubric:  Stomatology

Annotation:  Chronic periodontitis in children is a common pathology that causes various complications. In the development of this disease, an important role is played by immunological reactions that are insufficiently studied. Immunological disorders were studied in 127 children in saliva aged 4-15 years, suffering from chronic periodontitis of moderate and severe degree. The control group consisted of 108 healthy children of the same age. Determination of interleukins in saliva was carried out by immuno-enzyme analyzer, and further calculation of their informativeness was performed. It was found that informative interleukins are IA-1, IL-2, IL-10. Based on informative interleukins, a discriminant model was developed that allows diagnosing chronic periodontitis in children with the required level for medical purposes. Arobaze created a discriminant model on the control sample showed good results. Erroneous diagnosis of chronic periodontitis in children in 9.6-9.8% of cases. The application of this model allows to diagnose chronic periodontitis in childhood at an early stage of the disease, since changes in the content of interleukins in saliva are detected in the first days of development of chronic periodontitis will prevent the occurrence of various complications.

Keywords:  chronic periodontitis, interleukins, children

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