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Electrical conductivity of enamel of intact teeth and edge permeability of fillings in the treatment of caries

Author(s):  V.K. Leontiev, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

A.V. Tsimbalistov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, rectorat@szgmu.ru

V.A. Borozentseva, Belgorod National Research University; Interregional center for dental innovations named after B.V. Trifonov, Belgorod, Russia, vita_borozenceva@mail.ru

N.S. Mishina, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

V.Yu. Borozentsev, Interregional center for dental innovations named after B.V. Trifonov, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 42, № 3

Rubric:  Stomatology

Annotation:  The main factor in the destruction of fillings at the border with tooth enamel and the development of car-ies is a violation of edge permeability. Using the electrometric method to study the state of the teeth, im-portant, new information was obtained on the maturation of tooth enamel, on the diagnosis of tooth decay of enamel and dentin, damage to tooth pulp and periodontitis. Based on the materials of 297 clinical ob-servations the change of electrical conductivity of hard tissues of teeth correlating with the depth of lesion was established. The use of electrometry of hard tissues of teeth can improve the efficiency of diagnosis of hidden forms of caries and its complications. The development of a new, accurate, reliable method for determining the edge permeability of fillings is a very important task in dentistry.

Keywords:  tooth, caries, filling, edge permeability, electrical conductivity

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