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Author(s):  M.V. Grechitaeva, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia, moryana12@mail.ru

N.V. Smirnova, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan , Russia, nsmirnova08@bk.ru

Yu.V. Nesterov , Dr., Prof., Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan , Russia, nest.jv@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 2

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  Modern educational standards include a competency-based approach where a set of competencies, formed in students, is the goal of the process. In order to reduce material expenses and save time, higher educational institutions use modeling as an efficient scientific method in the educational process. In this regard, the article proposes a model of interactive training of students that allows to show in detail to what extent professional competencies are developed in Bachelor’s degree students and that is based on interconnected stages. The paper considers different definitions of the notions “competency” and “competence” and gives an example of a lesson on the topic “Microevolution Process and Its Regularities” with the use of the brainstorming method and palaeontological collections. The analysis of the obtained data showed that the application of the developed model and methods led to qualitative changes in the structure of professional competence levels in the experimental groups. The materials confirmed the proposed hypothesis that the training of specialists-to-be will advance if the model of professional competence is introduced during the course delivery with the use of interactive teaching methods.

Keywords:  professional competence, training of future biologists, undergraduate, interactive teaching methods

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