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Rural area students’ community as a form of mentoring in education

Author(s):  V.L. Kholod, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, holod@bsu.edu.ru

А.V. Kholod, candidate of Sciences, Voronezh region Government, Voronezh, Russia, yaholod@ya.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 1

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The task is to attract the attention of scientists and practitioners to the study of the current state of mentoring system and the need to revise its paradigm in the current social and economic conditions in modern Russia. It is proposed an innovative model of rural area students’ community, which is being implemented at Belgorod State Research University. The theoretical and practical interest of this model is the idea of creating "chains of continuous support": schoolboy – applicant – student – bachelor-and-master – graduate student-scientist; schoolboy – applicant – student – specialist organizations and enterprises. The article describes the practical experience and regulatory framework of mentoring. The authors consider the mentoring as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon. It is described as an organizationally and normatively fixed way to transfer accumulated social experience. In addition, the university students’ community is described as a form conducive to creating an enabling environment for mentoring. The authors have developed recommendations for the creation of innovative university students ‘community and mentoring system. Today, there are favorable conditions for the revival and reformatting of mentoring. The regulatory framework created at the federal level allows us to work out and put into practice our own ideas at the regional level. The students ‘community is a successful form that helps create an enabling environment for mentoring. The authors predict the process of the formation and development of mentoring and believe that it will gradually expand its field of activity, involving the student in the public life of the university. The mentoring can be effectively implemented in enterprises, the state civil service, in the system of secondary and higher education. The described model in the article can be successfully implemented when graduates of vocational education go to work for production. The model can be used in the process of career guidance work with the younger generation.

Keywords:  rural area students’ community, mentoring system, career-guidance, education, region.

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