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The differentiation of the categories “Emotion” and “Evaluation” (on the material of the English word-combinations describing the emotional reactions)

Author(s):  I.V. Chekulai, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, chekulai@bsu.edu.ru

O.N. Prokhorova, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, prokhorova@bsu.edu.ru

I.A. Kuprieva, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 38, № 1

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  In this paper we investigate the problem of correlation between emotions/feelings and evaluations as the main forms of expressing the qualifying relation of a human to different facts of the outer world and social life expressed in different ways, including the linguistic semiotic units and structures. The units of the syntactical and super-phrasal levels that describe the voluntary and involuntary movements of a face and a body while accompanying the emotional effects constitute the main material of the research. The results of the investigation clear out the standpoint that both emotions/feelings and evaluations have the common grounds determined by the peculiarities of the human intellect but differentiating from each other because of their specific characteristics. The substitution of the notions of emotion and evaluation with each other occurs because the rational evaluation realizing a fact and the emotional emanation usually accompany each other, and we have discovered this while investigating the paradigmatic and functional characteristic features of the English word-combinations describing the qualifying realizations of the intellect. The analysis of the emotional-evaluative categorical interrelation with support on its reflection in the actual speech seems to be perspective on the material of different languages.

Keywords:  emotion, feeling, evaluation, linguistic culture, volition, need, word-combination

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