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Discursive construction local patriotism of past: emotional balance of communicative-textual environmen

Author(s):  L.N. Rebrina, Dr., Prof., Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia

N.L. Shamne, Dr., Prof., Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia, nikolay.shamne@volsu.ru,

E.V. Terentyeva, Dr., Prof., Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia, ev_terenteva@volsu.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 1

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The article deals with the study of emotional balance of communicative-textual environment of regional media in the context of constructing local patriotism of the past. The principle of balance is understood as an integral principle of ecological sustainability, allowing to take into account such factor as environment. An integrative approach used in the article makes it possible to synthesize the achievements of eco- and sociolinguistics, to analyze the linguistic and non-linguistic phenomena, to use the results achieved in various fields of knowledge. Local patriotism is understood as the relation between the subject and object of patriotism formed as a result of social interaction. The using evaluative attributes to hyperonyms of reactualization objects (past, history) and to the base toponyms of the area; the interrelation of emotiogenic semantic elements associated with the positive or negative influence on the addressee; implementing the different types of emotional tonality are analyzed as the parameters of emotional balance. The results of the research show that non-compliance with the principle of balance in the studied sphere is a significant factor determining the features and acceptability of the purposeful influence on the subject of local patriotism.

Keywords:  regional mass media, communicative-text environment, emotional balance, local patriotism, subject of patriotism, object of patriotism, image of the past.

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