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Research of specific features of the schoolgirls who are engaged in educational musical and performing activity in the conditions of receiving additional education

Author(s):  L.V. Zhmurova, Irkutsk musical college named after F. Chopin, Irkutsk, Russia, zhludmila10@gmail.com

A.D. Golmenko, Dr., Prof., Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

Issue:  Volume 37, № 2

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The paper discusses role of nervous system properties of schoolchildren in music-play activity. Accounting of nervous system peculiarities is considered as basis of productive process of education on musical instruments. The article aim is to present the results of nervous system properties of modern schoolgirls involved in that give musical-play activity in schoolchildren musical school. Methodology background of our investigation includes researches of domestic scientists on nervous system properties and these properties psychological emersions (B.M. Teplov) and on human psychological organization (E.P. Il’in, V.V. Nikandrov, R.S. Nemov). Investigation methods are Ya. Strelyau enquirer techniques on determination of nervous system properties, E.P. Il’in tapping-test on determination of nervous system strength-weakness. Data analysis methods: Student's t-test, Spearman’s rho (r). The results obtained are in agree with hypothesis about necessity of nervous system properties accounting in practices of teachers in musical schools. These results enable to rationalize main directions of developed author program on progressing of psychomotor abilities of piano schoolchildren. The program is suitable for application in system of additional preprofessional children education.

Keywords:  properties of nervous system, musical-play activity, education activity, music abilities, psychomotor abilities of musician

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