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The first half of 19th century russian aesthetics on the problem of public purpuse and spiritual mission of art

Author(s):  E.B. Zykina, Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia, el_zykina@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 42, №24

Rubric:  Actual Problems of Legal Regulation

Annotation:  The article discusses the views of the leaders of Russian aesthetics and literary criticism of the first half of the 19th on the problem of the relationship of art to the "real" life. In the context of the approach to this key issue of aesthetic theory they defined the purpose and the meaning of art and its "sovereignty" in relation to other areas of spiritual practice, as well as the criteria for evaluation of work of art, and the degrees of freedom of the artist

Keywords:  art, aesthetics, the social function of art

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