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Wheeled carts from lchashen necropolis in the late bronze age

Author(s):  L.A. Petrosyan, no, no, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, galstyan-1966@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 43, №15

Rubric:  Topical issues of world history

Annotation:  This article is devoted to the comprehensive study of Lchashen, one of the monumental sites of Bronze Age, which was carried out on the basis of archaeological materials excavated in Lchashen necropolis. The excava-tions were carried out starting with the 50‘s of the previous century. Thank to these materials the source basis of the study of the Bronze Age culture of the whole region is strengthening. The purpose of this article the study of wooden wagons and bronze models of chariots from the Late Bronze Age tombs of the cemetery of Lchashen. The distinctive feature of Lchashen mounds of the Late Bronze Age is the presence of large burial vaults. In those kurgans of Lchahsen two-wheeled and four-wheeled chariots and their bronze models have been found. As result of studying these materials, the sources of its origin from Asia Minor and its community with Hittite culture were revealed. With their help, is possible to get an idea of the types of martial carts, and how to manage them. These models were a symbol of power and used as a standard.

Keywords:  Armenia, Late Bronze Age, wheeled carts

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