Автор(ы):  М.В. Ковалева, Kандидат наук, Курский государственный университет, г. Курск, Россия, доцент кафедры философии

Журнал:  Том 44, № 2

Рубрика:  Человек. Культура. Общество

Аннотация:  The relevance of the article consists in the fact that in a number of modern scientific research cultures is assessed as being in crisis. This adversely formed on the functioning and formation of cultural values. The problem of values is most acutely manifested in the critical times when social foundations are collapsing, cultural traditions are devalued. In our society there is a change of values, different value systems function. This leads to value conflicts, to misunderstanding between representatives of different generations and different social groups. New and old values, coming into conflict, lead to a personal crisis, to the maladaptation of the personality. The personality loses its integrity, loyalty to the principles and readiness for strong-willed efforts in the name of these principles, the motivational sphere of the personality loses the reference points for choice. In the history of mankind there has been a change of value systems. In Russian philosophy there were many philosophers who turned to axiological problems in the transition era. One of them was S.L. Frank. Turning to his legacy, we will try to highlight some common features of the flow and overcoming of the value crisis.

Ключевые слова:  Russian philosophy, culture, value crisis, value system, cultural traditions, axiological problems.

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Количество скачиваний:  271

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