Cognitive bases of interaction in a marketing discourse

Author(s):  D.A. Cheremokhina, candidate of Sciences, no, Belgorod National Research University,, Belgorod, Russia,

I.M. Chebotareva, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 39, № 1

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  Changes in the economic situation in society have influenced the features of the functioning of the language. A special type of thinking is being formed - marketing. On the example of communication in the conditions of business negotiations, the features of verbalization of marketing thinking are considered. The process of discourse formation in the field of business negotiations is analyzed. The communicative area in which the interests of a company representative and a client intersect is defined as a sales discourse. The possibility of conducting business negotiations is due to the presence of common meanings in the cognitive base of the client and company representative. A conceptual analysis of the «Profit» concept, which is crucial for marketing discourse, made it possible to identify the «intersection points» of interests of the communicants. The success of the transaction becomes possible if the nuclear meanings of this concept are the same for both communicants. However, much more often in the nuclear part of the concept, represented in the client’s speech, meanings with a negative value appear due to personal experience or ethnocultural specifics. In this case, the representative of the institutional strive to transform the core of the concept of «Benefit», using argumentation and linguistic means of language manipulation.

Keywords:  marketing discourse, sales discourse, discourse formation, concept, conceptual meaning, cognitive transformation.

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