The concept of human theology in the russian anthropological tradition of the end of the XVIII – the first half of the XIX century (experience of Archimandrite Eutikhian (Lestev)

Author(s):  T.I. Lipich, Dr., Prof., Belgorod State National Research University , Belgorod, Russia,

O.I. Nifontova, no, no, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 4

Rubric:  Human Being. Culture. Society

Annotation:  The article deals with the recently discovered anthropological handwritten work of the first half of the 19th century by Archimandrite Eutykhian (Lestev) “Theological Human Theology”. The manuscript is one of the few domestic works of a specified period of time devoted directly to human anthropology. At the center of the manuscript is an attempt to investigate the dynamic internal composition of a person in different states: primitive, state of decline and possible state of recovery. Archimandrite Eutykhian partially borrows in his work the anthropological structure of the Met. Filaret (Drozdov), but gives them deeper and more original interpretations. He especially interpreted the phrase “breath of lives” translated for a person from Hebrew and the proposed doctrine of characteristic types that deserve particularly close study.

Keywords:  Archimandrite Eutykhian (Lestev), Theological Human Theology, “breath of lives”, anthropological structures, primitive state of a person, damage, possibility of recovery

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