On the ethno-cultural state of the Kursk province at the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries

Author(s):  A.I. Dudka, candidate of Sciences, no, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, dudka@bsu.edu.ru

I.G. Onoprienko, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, Onoprienko@bsu.edu.ru

M.A. Sergienko, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia, Sergienko@bsu.edu.ru

Issue:  Volume 46, № 4

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  In the article, the authors analyze the ethno-cultural state of the Kursk province in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the specifics of which were laid from the period of secondary colonization of the region and in the context of active cultural exchange, which continued in the early 20th century. These processes aroused a steady interest and received ambiguous interpretation in the works of domestic and foreign historians, and for this reason it needs in reconsideration. The study is based on the principles of objectivity, historicism and scientificness, allowing to identify the ethnocultural image of the investigated province in the specified period. Ethnographic expeditions of the second half of the 20th century confirmed the preservation of Russian and Ukrainian cultural features. Referring to the materials of the First General Census of the Russian Empire on January 28, 1897, historical and ethnographic sources help to flesh out the ethno-cultural situation in the province on the basis of an analysis of the state of such components of its culture as a language, settlements, economic activity and ethno-religious relations.

Keywords:  ethnocultural state, ethnogenetic cultural identity, language, Great Russian and Little Russian population, ethno-confessional relations.

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DOI:  10.18413/2075-4458-2019-46-4-705-712

Reference to article:  Dudka A.I., Onoprienko I.G., Sergienko M.A. 2019. On the ethno-cultural state of the Kursk province at the end of the XIX-th – the beginning of the XX-th centuries. Belgorod State University Scientific Bulletin. History. Political Science, 46(4): 705–712 (in Russian). DOI 10.18413/2075-4458-2019- 46-4-705-712