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Hidden curriculum as an educational technology of higher school (on the example of professional training of future economists)

Author(s):  S.V. Mishina, no, no, Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets, Russia, dmkornienko@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 4

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The relevance of the study is due to the need to search for effective technologies that can flexibly reformat the educational process of the university to solve such extra-normative tasks as developing students' qualities and competencies that meet corporate and individual needs of employers. The article analyzes the technology of hidden curriculum, its functioning is shown on the example of the formation of professionally significant qualities of future economists in the educational process of the university. In the study, a hidden curriculum is understood as contextual educational technology, the functioning of which is based on immersing students in an active social context through the systematic introduction of a certain socio-educational content into the educational content, as well as through the forced use of a certain set of methods and means of organizing the educational process. The pedagogical potential of the hidden curriculum in higher education lies in the fact that at the level of content and methodology it allows to solve additional educational problems, in particular, to strengthen educational activities to form professionally significant qualities of future economists in the context of rapidly changing requirements for the professional activity of specialists in the labor market.

Keywords:  higher education, professional competence, professionally significant qualities, competitiveness, future economists, hidden curriculum.

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