Enriching the experience of social interaction of the future specialist: theoretical aspect

Author(s):  E.V. Kovalenko, candidate of Sciences, no, Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod, Russia, rouser5450@list.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 4

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  The Russian community has been suffering the tendency of social, economic, cultural and educational separateness; thereby, the dominating mode of interaction becomes a key issue for promoting safety of its social sub-systems. The source and the matter of interaction modes implemented by a human are considered his or her experience. The social interaction is its source and matter. The Russian psychological science treats the experience as a set of passive knowledge and skills. As opposed to this opinion, the experience of social interaction is considered by the author as a mental track of human practices in social life which demonstrates the integral character being established in terms of action, mentality, personality. It is composed of 3 sub-systems: value and sense (the function of orientation and purpose), idea and action (the function of perception and regulatory decision taking) and expressive action (the function of external expression and decision making). The experience enrichment is implemented in directions (lines) of satiation and concentration of its 3 properties: subjectivity, co-being, reflection. The phenomenology of enriching the individual experience of social interaction focuses on the analysis of the mechanisms of its formation and functioning: reflecting the social situation in mind; comparison with existing experience; interpretation, evaluation, selection and restructuring experience elements; concentration towards the level of nuclear elements; inclusion of elements into the sphere of nuclear structures of experience or their disposal. The process of enriching the experience of social interaction of a future specialist is demonstrated in the experiment reflecting the following stages: mainstreaming of its initial state, reflexive conceptual formatting; differentiated satiation of constituent elements with situational experience of interpersonal and group-oriented pedagogical interaction; integration and concentration of components of the indicative basis of social interaction. The theoretical analysis has facilitated to highlight the phenomenon of “enriching the personal experience of social interaction”, to establish its structure, mechanisms, functions and methodology used in a future specialist training. The results of the current research can serve academic grounds for designing and implementing the pedagogical system of enriching the experience of social interaction in students while under educational process in universities.

Keywords:  experience, social interaction, enrichment, enrichment lines, subjectivity, co-being, reflection.

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