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Theoretical and empirical bases formation of professional mobility future specialists in safety livelihoods

Author(s):  E.N. Bryukhov, no, no, Ural Institute of State Firefighting Service, EMERCOM of Russia, Yekaterinburg, Russia, uigps@uigps.ru

E.V. Kalach, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Voronezh Institute – department of Ivanovo State Firefighting Service academy EMERCOM of Russia, Voronezh, Russia, akalach_222@mail.ru

Issue:  Volume 38, № 4

Rubric:  Pedagogics

Annotation:  In the context of modernization of higher education, the problem of the formation of professional mobility of students is becoming a priority. To solve it, the choice of educational technologies that are adequate to the goals of competence-based education is necessary. In this regard, the authors present a theoretical analysis of the problem of the formation of professional mobility of specialists in the field of life safety, criteria and indicators of professional mobility of specialists in this field, the results of an empirical study of the degree of formation of professional mobility of future specialists in the field of public safety. The results of the study confirmed that graduates of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Russian Federation do not have adequate professional mobility. The authors suggest that this problem is caused by the prevalence of traditional approaches in education, and it can be solved by introducing a modular-dynamic model of the formation of professional mobility of students in the field of life safety. The model is built taking into account the specifics of the educational process of the EMERCOM of Russia and the obtained theoretical and empirical data.

Keywords:  professional mobility, professional life safety specialists training, modular-dynamic model of the formation of professional mobility of students, criteria of professional mobility, professional adaptation.

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