Prospects of system-objective imitative modeling of information transfer systems

Author(s):  A.G. Zhikharev, candidate of Sciences, no, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

S.P. Belov, Dr., Prof., Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, Belgorod, Russia,

S.A. Rachinsky, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 3

Rubric:  Infocommunication technologies

Annotation:  System-object simulation modeling is a promising direction for the development of the system-object approach "Node-Function-Object". Previously, the authors used this method in the development of simulation models of various nature, where the method showed its efficiency. This article attempts to use the method of system-object simulation in the field of building and researching information transfer systems. To do this, the authors, using the calculus of functional units, as well as the software toolkit «UFOModeler», consider an example of creating a system-object simulation model of the simplest information transmission system with binary phase modulation. For this, the structural and functional components of the model are described. A number of experiments have been carried out to simulate the process of data transmission, the results of which indicate the suitability of the system-object simulation method for constructing and studying information transmission systems. The developed model allows real-time simulation of the signal modulation process, which in turn opens up prospects for using the instrument in question to form combined channel signals with the required characteristics.

Keywords:  simulation, object, system, structure, function, information transfer system, binary phase modulation, signal code design.

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