The signal-to-noise ratio measurement in chloroform detection in the presence of krypton buffer gas by laser photoacoustic method

Author(s):  T.S. Kumykov, candidate of Sciences, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Automation of Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Centre of RAS, Nalchik, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 51, № 3

Rubric:  Physics. Mathematical modeling

Annotation:  On the basis of differential equations of fractional order are considered, the influence of fractality of the environment on the sublimation growth of cloud ice particles. Numerical experiments are performed to assess the impact of the fractality of the medium on the growth of cloud particles at different combinations of microphysical parameters. Determined the General dependence of the growth of cloud ice particles on various parameters of fractality of the environment.

Keywords:  sublimation, ice particle, fractal dimension, mathematical model, cloud

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