Author(s):  S.I. Starikova, State Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod , Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 2

Rubric:  Thesis

Annotation:  A review of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of cultural capital is presented. Approaches to the conceptualization of the cultural capital of representatives of various humanitarian theories are analyzed. It is concluded that it is necessary to consider cultural capital not only to characterize an individual, social strata, but also for different types of communities that can be presented in the form of a particular hierarchy, including regions, states, and entire civilizations. The social function of agents with a high level of cultural capital is described. It consists in transmitting public opinion, influencing the formation of collective representations of other people (communities) by public interpretation of the content and meaning of phenomena and processes in the outside world (state of affairs). The author proposes to build a theoretical model of cultural capital and a methodology for its empirical measurement, to identify the factors of its reproduction, to design solutions for the technological support of the process of effective reproduction of cultural capital on the example of Russian regions.

Keywords:  cultural capital, political capital, opinion leadership, mass communications, cultural competence

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