Author(s):  YU.A. Saykova, Belgorod State Institute of arts and culture, Belgorod , Russia,

Issue:  Volume 44, № 2

Rubric:  Thesis

Annotation:  The article is devoted to the formation of the image of the hero and heroic personality in European culture. It touches upon the origin of the concept of «hero» and its cultural transformations, which take place from the ancient period to the beginning of the 20th century. The problem of the content of human consciousness filled with myths and experiences of previous generations is brought to the fore. Over time, the heroic image undergoes cultural transformations, which proves the existence of a chain of notions concepts «hero» – «universal man» – «world-historical personality» – «archetype», presented in the traditions of European scientific thought. A statement is being made that the archetype of the hero is one of the most important means of comprehending reality and encoding information about it for the further transmission of the views of a community about the structure of the world and methods of communication. The image of the hero plays the role of a social regulative, providing the community with the opportunity to solve its main problems.

Keywords:  hero, antique hero, a hero of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance hero, archetype

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