Author(s):  I.I. Chumak-Zhun, Dr., Prof., Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

G.Y. Maltseva, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia,

Issue:  Volume 38, № 2

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The article reveals the relation of the term intertextuality and the phenomena of precedence. The intertextuality is designated as a specific feature of combining texts in an interdependent single unit. Precedent is defined as one of the manifestations of intertextuality. The distinctive feature of the precedent text is its representativeness. Using precedent texts is presented as one of the ways of organization of game poetics of artistic discourse. It is concluded that in the framework of intertextuality the use of precedent texts is used to achieve a certain goal, draws the depth of the text, allows you to enter a large amount of information through the minimum inclusion. The concept of intertextuality by Y. Kristeva is analyzed, the foundations of which are the ideas of the dialogism and ambivalence of M.M. Bakhtin. Discourse, namely the text in the discursive aspect, is directly related to the intertext. A proof of the representativeness of the case text is the variant of the case text detection algorithm proposed in the article. The role of the “ideal reader” is revealed in the light of the playfulness of the precedent text. In the key of precedent, the reader is assigned the role of the “voter” of the precedent text. The relationship between case text and intertext is represented as a tree diagram. The introduction of elements of the precedent text in the new text outlines the vertical axis - depth, which allows the reader to realize a special game behavior (conditional). The aspects of consideration of precedence as an important component of the game poetics of an artistic text are highlighted. It is proved that the precedent text in the new text determines its depth, for the reader the precedent text is defined as a repetition (I already know what I have already read). The author’s use of the precedent text organizes the game poetics of a special type of work.

Keywords:  intertextuality, intertext, precedence, precedent text, precedent phenomena, precedent name, precedent utterance, playing poetics, author, reader.

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