Author(s):  E.L. Kuksova, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Y.S. Blazhevich, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 38, № 2

Rubric:  Linguistics

Annotation:  The article is devoted to issues of linguistic diversity in the modern world. The development of language contacts and learning foreign languages lead to the development of diglossia and bilingualism, and with them the assimilation of the realities and traditions of a foreign culture. In the context of rapid globalization, languages and cultures are increasingly interacting, which leads to the emergence of multilingualism and plurilingualism. The definition and delimitation of these concepts plays an important role in understanding linguocultural interaction in the context of growing globalization. Due to the emerging need to confront globalization processes, the International Organization Francophone is actively working to reduce linguistic and economic inequalities, political and linguistic discrepancies between multinational groups. This article focuses on the language policy of the organization, as well as the conditions necessary for the formation of natural and artificial multilingualism. Due to the sociolinguistic and political situations that are constantly changing today, the overwhelming majority of the world's population is forced to use more than one language for communication: their native language and other ones being used in their country of residence etc. The close contact between the two languages can thus result in the complete disappearance of one of them. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that multilingualism and plurilingualism, being actual realities, possess, among other things, a number of positive aspects, which also require a detailed study.

Keywords:  Multilingualism, linguoculturology, multicultural education, Francophonie, French

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