Professional training of officials of local state agencies of the russian empire to the end of the reign of Nicholas I

Author(s):  V.A. Ivanov, candidate of Sciences, Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 46, № 2

Rubric:  Topical issues of russian history

Annotation:  The article analyzes, from the statistical point of view, the level of professional training of the local level of the country's administration in the last years of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. The study is based on mass archival material (over 2.5 thousand formulary lists of civilian officials from the three provinces of Central Russia - Moscow, Kaluga and Tver), which is representative, comparability, homogeneity and completeness. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the significant part of local government officials studied in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of various profiles, there were few civil servants in the field who had knowledge and competencies that could be in demand in various branches of local civil administration. Specialization at the minimum level took place in institutions that required workers to possess the necessary knowledge and skills in engineering, boundary and medical spheres.

Keywords:  officials of local agencies, formulary (service) records, higher and secondary education, professional training (specialization).

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