Author(s):  I.A. Smirnova, Regional hospital for war veterans, Belgorod , Russia

O.M. Kuzminov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia,

L.A. Krupenkina, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia

I.V. Dubrovsky, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod , Russia

Issue:  Volume 42, № 1

Rubric:  Cardiology

Annotation:  The paper analyzes the state of myocardium and skeletal muscle in patients with hypertension at different ages. The functional state of the skeletal muscles study moose according dynamometry hands and peak expiratory flow (associated with the strength of the intercostal muscles). The state of the myocardium was assessed by echocardiography. The most significant factors that have a significant impact on the state of skeletal muscles and myocardium in patients in different age groups are the speed of glomerular filtration of the kidneys and indirectly dependent on it indicators: total hemoglobin and potassium of blood plasma. Age dynamics of changes in such parameters as muscle strength, total protein, hemoglobin, potassium of blood plasma and glomerular filtration rate is adequately approximated by a linear function. The dynamics of changes in myocardial status indicators (mass and mass index of the myocardium, ejection fraction, end systolic and diastolic dimensions of the left ventricle) is better described by a nonlinear polynomial function with a curve of the upward or downward convexity. There was no unidirectional correlation between the decrease in the strength of skeletal muscles and the deterioration of myocardial parameters according to echocardiography. This may indicate differences in the mechanisms of involutional changes occurring in skeletal muscles, and changes in myocardium with age in patients with hypertension.

Keywords:  myocardial dysfunction, sarcopenia, geriatrics

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