Complex evaluation of the effect of prevention of sexually transmitted infections among young people of Kursk Region

Author(s):  A.G. Lastovetsky, Dr., Prof., Research Institute of organization and informatization of Health Ministry of Health, Moscow, Russia,

V.I. Timoshilov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Kursk state medical university, Kursk, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 41, № 4

Rubric:  Preventive Medicine

Annotation:  Sexually transmitted infections (STI) are one of the main medical and social problems of young people. The base of their prevention is formed by educational events for youth. In 2014 it was conducted a study, which shows a positive preventive effects of lectures and consults of doctors, watching of educational video, reading of special literature, self-making of informational materials and medical screening. As kinds of activities with negative effect were marked Internet-projects, social advertising, volunteer’s activities and discussions. The results of this study were presented during educational courses for doctors and teachers. The aim of the study in 2017 year was evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of this recommendations. The program of the research included the survey of teenagers and the study of epidemiological data. The results showed the raising of the coverage of teenagers by effective preventive activities, decreasing of incidence of STI and reducing the proportion of young people among newly diagnosed patients

Keywords:  sexually transmitted infections, young people, prevention, incidence, evaluation of results

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