Internet communications of state civil employees: international experience and russian practice

Author(s):  B.A. Tkhorikov, candidate of Sciences, associate Professor, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

V.V. Kornev, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

Issue:  Volume 43, № 4

Rubric:  Sociology and Social Technologies

Annotation:  The paper presents an overview of the practices of the use of social networks by the authorities of Germany, South Korea, China, Italy and the United States of America to achieve certain goals in their professional activities. These goals were made the object of compiling the author’s classification of the types of communications of officials using social media. They include: «Information», «Engagement», «Suggestions / Surveys», «Loyalty and trust», «Education and counseling», «Receiving regular feedback». Conclusions are drawn about the change in the paradigm of the formation of public mood and the current agenda of the exclusive media, the development of interne-communications allows government officials to be included in these processes. However, Russian state and municipal civil servants are not fully aware of the importance of Internet communications, their capabilities and responsibilities when working in social media, and, on the contrary, the current practice only increases social tension.

Keywords:  communications, civil servants, social networks.

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