Synthesis of panoramic images and their use in cytogenetic studies

Author(s):  T.N. Balabanova, candidate of Sciences, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia,

I.V. Trapeznikova, candidate of Sciences, Regional State Autonomous Institution of Supplementary Vocational Education «Belgorod Institute of Education Development», Belgorod, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 45, № 4

Rubric:  Infocommunication technologies

Annotation:  The concept of "panoramic image", the use of panoramic images in cytogenetic studies is considered in the article. The algorithm for automatically obtaining a panoramic image is presented, the mathematical foundations of the variational method for estimating the first and second order derivatives is also shown. In this article, a panoramic image is an image obtained by "stitching" from several images. Panoramic images are now widely used in various fields of human activity. As the basic algorithm for obtaining a panoramic image, the algorithm Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) is used. The first and second order derivatives are calculated in this algorithm using the variational method of estimating derivatives founded in BSU. This modification of the SURF algorithm makes it possible to work with images containing noises of various types, because the method used to evaluate the derivatives is noise-resistant. The developed algorithm was applied for cytogenetic studies of a series of images of two species of mealybugs

Keywords:  panoramic image, «sewing» together of images, cytology, cytogenetics, gradient of image

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