Multi –criteria analysis of aspects of pharmaceutical information

Author(s):  I.A. Filina, Dr., Prof., Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia,

A.G. Xvorostyanova, Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia

Issue:  Volume 41, № 3

Rubric:  Pharmaceutical Sciences

Annotation:  In modern society of global information, through mass print, television, internet, a pharmacist's role in consumer choice of drugstore articles constantly changes and transformes. Nowadays consumers are not satisfied with knowing only indications and side effects of the medicine. Modern consumers are interested in generic drugs and analogues, information on the manufacturers, new medicine, etc. Therefore, a pharmacy's leadership constantly needs objective and accurate indicators of awareness of their staff. The article presents an original method of multi-criteria analysis of information, needed in the pharmacists's work. The method includes development of a survey for pharmacists, that contains questions about utilisation rate of sources of information about medicine received by pharmacists and necessity of every aspect of pharmaceutical information in everyday work. After the survey factor and comparative analyses, reflecting strong and weak points of an aspect of information, are held. The method contributes to timely detection by Director of pharmacy, of a level of utilization and satisfaction of pharmacists by one or another factor of pharmaceutical information; it also contributes to improvement of the quality of services, provided for customers

Keywords:  pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy, prescription, labor functions

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