Comparative analisys of maternal mortality in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Crimea

Author(s):  O.S. Tretiakova, Dr., Prof., V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University S.I.Georgievsky Medical Academy, Simferopol, Russia, olga-trе

A.S. Gaffarova, V.I.Vernadsky Crimean Federal University S.I.Georgievsky Medical Academy, Simferopol, Russia,

Issue:  Volume 41, № 3

Rubric:  Preventive Medicine

Annotation:  Maternal mortality (MM) is measured by the number of mothers that die for every 100,000 live births. Each maternal death is a real tragedy. It was carried out retrospective comparative analysis of maternal mortality and its structure in the Russian Federation (RF) and the Republic of Crimea (RC) for 1995-2017. Though there is pronounced trend in reducing of coefficient of MM in RF and RC, the dynamics of the MM in the RF had an undulant character with periods of an index increase in 2005 and 2009, whereas in RC it had salutatory character with alternating periods of a sharp increase and fall in the coefficient. In the RF for period under review index decreased by more than 7 times and in 2017 it amounted to 7.3 per 100 thousand live births. In the structure of the MM since 2005, extragenital pathology was invariably leading; significant contribution was made by obstetric embolism and gestosis. In the RC, the minimum index of MM was registered in 2014 - 4.1 per 100 thousand live births, however, starting from 2015, the growth of the MM coefficient is observed with the achievement in 2017 of the maximum value for the last 5 years - 19.1 for 100 thousand live births. As in the Russian Federation in the structure of the MM the leading position since 2007 belongs to extragenital pathology, gestosis and hemorrhagic complications. However periodically (2012 and 2016) sepsis was coming out on the first place, that practically did not figure in the MM structure in the RF, which requires taking managerial decisions aimed at preventing and improving of the taking medical care to the appropriate contingent of women in RC

Keywords:  maternal mortality, dynamics and structure maternal mortality, Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea

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